

  1. What is best for vectors : SAI, Inkscape, or Photoshop? (or something else that I don't currently have)

    Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:17:21 UTC from web
    1. @macpony55 Inkscape. Hands down.

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:18:10 UTC from web
    2. @macpony55 Definitely not SAI. Inkscape is pretty nice in my experience, whereas I hear Photoshop's pretty decent for them, but I can't say for sure, having not used it.

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:18:45 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @bitshift Photoshop is amazing, just not for Vectors. xD

        Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:19:50 UTC from web
    3. @macpony55 I think Inkscape's the only one that actually works in a vector format. I might be wrong, though...

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:19:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @redenchilada I honestly don't know what does what but I'm pretty sure photoshop does since I've seen friends with it talk about making vectors

        Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:21:02 UTC from web
        1. @macpony55 Photoshop is a raster-based tool, though. What a lot of people in this fandom will call "vectors" are simply vexels - raster representations of vector images. Not that there's anything wrong with them if they're at a high enough resolution - more formats support them, after all - but they're not vectors in the most technical sense of the term.

          Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:22:51 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @redenchilada Yeah, it always mildly rustles my jimmies when I see "XYZ vector", and it's actually just a _really_ high-res raster produced from a real vector. :(

            Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:24:09 UTC from IdentiCurse
          2. @redenchilada more implementations*

            Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:24:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @macpony55 Photoshop can't make SVG files. It can be used to make vectors using vector layer clips and such but it's not as nice as dedicated vector software like Inkscape and Illustrator

          Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:23:24 UTC from web
          1. @minti and flash, does flash count too :<

            Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:25:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @redenchilada Yeah I guess. x

              Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:25:14 UTC from web
            2. @redenchilada Since they're still real vectors, I'm gonna say yes.

              Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:25:54 UTC from IdentiCurse
    4. @widget You're anti-open-source? EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE.

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:20:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    5. @widget No offense or anything but why be anti-open source? I get being anti-proprietary if you believe in freedom of information or preferring proprietary to open source but actually being against open source I've never even heard of, can you explain your reasoning? I'm very curious about it now

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:23:26 UTC from web
    6. @widget you really had me going there xD I'm neither as well

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:28:21 UTC from web
    7. @widget @minti @redenchilada Alright well I think Inkscape is the clear choice then out of what I have, may check out Illustrator too though, thanks guys

      Thursday, 19-Apr-12 02:28:50 UTC from web