

  1. omigosh! there are already at least 3 DA groups dedicated to [sp]puelfnyvf[/sp] #

    Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:48:25 UTC from web
    1. @pony I think I'm the only one who hates her

      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:49:55 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse V qba'g yvxr ure cre fr, ohg V yvxr gur vqrn bs punatryvatf n ybg. #

        Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:50:59 UTC from web
        1. @pony Jryy gurl'er whfg sebz zlgubf, fb gurl'er abg n arj pbaprcg. Va snpg, gurl xvaq bs ernyyl fxrjrq gur bevtvany pbaprcg bs gurz. Fur'f n terng ivyynva naq fur jbexf cresrpgyl va gur fubj naq nyy, ohg V ungr ure punenpgre qrfvta naq V srry crbcyr ner znxvat gbb ovt n qrny bire ure. gung'f whfg zl bcvavba, gubhtu.

          Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:52:55 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse Bu V xabj vg'f abg na bevtvany pbaprcg. V sbhaq ab ernyyl raqrnevat genvgf va ure punenpgre, ohg V ybir ure qrfvta zber guna qvfpbeq.

            Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:58:58 UTC from web
    2. @widget I do, yes. Hey man, I can have opinions if I want.

      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:53:18 UTC from web
    3. @widget uh... no. I never really hated her and thought she was just ingenious. When it all boiled down, I would've been happy with either side winning. Vg'f whfg cerggl zhpu ure punenpgre qrfvta (nf vg ehvaf gur zlgubf gb zr) naq ure snaonfr.

      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 09:56:36 UTC from web
    4. @widget TV Tropes: Making you go through 50,000 pages to make you understand the one page you want to read. I'm not going through all that. Literally every word is a link to another slang term for something.

      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:00:05 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse TVtropes makes you open 50 tabs and you will regret not a single one. I really, really love that site.

        Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:02:59 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony I really, really don't. They go in-depth with things and are pretty accurate and stuff, but the fact that they use nothing but slang terms and describe things using them, then applying things toward other things that don't belong just murdockes me off. They come off as a bunch of students in a film class with A-'s.

          Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:05:44 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse That's what makes tvtropes great: it is easily accessible because of the entertainment value of their language and the very slangish language allows it to address topics that are not worthy of a scientific description. In the end, it paints a picture which is more detailed (but not as clear) as a serious analysis. In addition, because you look at the examples of some tropes, you may run into great games and movies. This is how I ran into The World Ends with You and Shin Megami Tensai

            Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:16:24 UTC from web
            1. @hakupony They're vague and over-analytical as well as confusing in definition layout. It's poor design and explanation. Regardless, I don't like them and wish to drop it before I start going too intensely in protecting my beliefs.

              Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:18:33 UTC from web
              1. @alargesmallhorse

                Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:29:26 UTC from web
              2. @alargesmallhorse I guess it depends on what you search for. It's fine for me but I wouldn't dare to take their word for truth, it just is a way of comig to new thoughts for me.

                Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:30:21 UTC from web
                1. @hakupony whatever tickles your fancy.

                  Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:32:09 UTC from web
    5. @widget I enjoy every villian. Does this mean that they are "love to hate" villians? no. from their definition, that's what makes them.however, that's a pretty dang relative definition.

      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 10:07:40 UTC from web