

  1. V fnj fbzrguvat cbvagrq bhg nobhg guvf pyvc bayvar, naq V'z gelvat abg gb oryvrir vg, ohg qnza... lbhgh.or/UfvkEgZXHPx?g=31z46f #

    Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:52:13 UTC from web
    1. @scribus Thank you, you pointed out a flaw in my script. xD

      Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:53:17 UTC from web
      1. @minti That being?

        Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:53:35 UTC from web
        1. @scribus I'm trying to make it decode links and relink them. I did it wrong for links that miss the http:// bit. xD

          Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:55:27 UTC from web
          1. @minti Oh, okay. Uh... Happy to help!(?) heh :P

            Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:56:35 UTC from web
    2. @scribus what is it?

      Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:54:38 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse Qng fbhaq rssrpg.

        Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:55:20 UTC from web
        1. @scribus which one?

          Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:55:51 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse Well, it's one of those things where I'm trying to get input that hasn't been tainted by looking for anything in particular. Or something.

            Monday, 23-Apr-12 04:58:25 UTC from web
            1. @scribus The only thing that stuck out to me in that whole clip was gur snpg gung bayl bar bs gur punatryvatf unq nezbe.

              Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:00:18 UTC from web
              1. @alargesmallhorse Which I did not notice. XD I was too engrossed in the general scene until the unnamed bit in question had been pointed out to me.

                Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:01:33 UTC from web
                1. @scribus until what? Is there something off in there that I'm missing?

                  Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:03:25 UTC from web
                  1. @alargesmallhorse Zna, V srry yvxr fhpu na nffohgg sbe rira zragvbavat vg... Gurer'f yvxr n *fzbbpu* fbhaq rssrpg va gurer, ohg V bayl abgvprq vg nsgre vg orvat cbvagrq bhg, fb V dhrfgvba vs gung'f ernyyl gur pnfr be vs V'z urnevat jung V rkcrpg abj gung vg'f orra oebhtug hc. #

                    Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:06:30 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus alot of people have been telling me this on synchtube as well. It's kind of annoying because they've used the sound effect before in S2 and alot of people seem to think of it as "bu, syhggreful naq EQ xvffrq!"

                      Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:09:35 UTC from web
                      1. @alargesmallhorse I usually don't pay that much attention to the tiny details like that, so I hadn't noticed it before. Rira vs vg vf, vg'f zhpu zber bs n sevraqyl guvat guna nalguvat ryfr, ohg V fgvyy jbhyqa'g zvaq n tbbq nygreangr rkcynangvba orsber gur fcbvyre ona yvsgf naq guvf cynpr oybjf hc. Rfcrpvnyyl EQ'f nyyrtrq O/S gurer, jub V whfg pna'g cvpgher abg trggvat onaunzzrerq gb cnfgr bire uvf varivgnoyr ernpgvba.

                        Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:14:06 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus What are you talking about? It's just a sound effect they put in. Jub/jung vf "EQ'f O/S?"

                          Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:16:40 UTC from web
                          1. @alargesmallhorse Hfre Envaobjqnfufoblsevraq jub cerivbhfyl syvccrq uvf jvt bire npphfngvbaf bs EQ'f abg-orvat-uvf-tveysevraqarff. Gurer jnf nyfb fbzr bgure xvq jub jnf tbvat gb xvyy rirelbar jub pnyyrq ure tnl, naq EQ'fOS jnf whfg nfxvat sbe Ynhera'f r-znvy, fb V'z ba uvtu-nyreg, va n jnl.

                            Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:19:58 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus huh? Why would you EVER worry about that? That's just being ridiculous. Stop being ridiculous.

                              Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:22:32 UTC from web
                              1. @alargesmallhorse I suppose you have a point. kiwistorms will come and go, regardless of whether or not I worry.

                                Monday, 23-Apr-12 05:23:06 UTC from web