

  1. Think I'm gonna record a vlog about my plans to build a new PC and as a gaming rig :) !vgp !techponies

    Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 16:29:19 UTC from web
    1. @leonkfox Ohh... I'd really be interested in that, not sarcasm; even though it may seem like it.

      Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 16:30:24 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 No worries, I would have known you weren't being sarcastic :P

        Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 17:31:19 UTC from web
    2. @supercammy Well, I want one that plays modern games at full spec and is future proof for a few years, so saving up will take a few months, with £150 going towards it every 2 weeks. Here's to hoping it doesn't take too long, heh.

      Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 17:36:33 UTC from web
    3. @supercammy I may need some help building it if I do it myself, never heard of Vibox though.

      Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 18:31:07 UTC from web
    4. @supercammy How much do they charge for the service/assembly though?

      Tuesday, 24-Apr-12 19:02:07 UTC from web