


    Friday, 20-May-11 23:42:41 UTC from web
    1. Hi @sweetiebelle99!

      Friday, 20-May-11 23:43:06 UTC from web
      1. @starshine STARSHINE!!! ^_^ * !huggles you* How ya doin'? :D

        Friday, 20-May-11 23:44:23 UTC from web
        1. @sweetiebelle99 Pretty good, though I'm a little worn out because I biked today for the first time since winter!

          Friday, 20-May-11 23:46:28 UTC from web
          1. @starshine Sounds like you had fun, though!! :D

            Friday, 20-May-11 23:49:17 UTC from web
            1. @sweetiebelle99 Ello Sweetie Belle!

              Friday, 20-May-11 23:49:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ickus HAI THERE!!! *bigbigbigbig !hug* ^_^ How ya doin'?

                Friday, 20-May-11 23:55:05 UTC from web
                1. @sweetiebelle99 Fine, fine. And you, ole' chap?

                  Friday, 20-May-11 23:57:12 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ickus I'm FABULOUSO!!! *bounces up and down* Whatcha doin'? :D

                    Friday, 20-May-11 23:59:52 UTC from web
            2. @sweetiebelle99 Sure did. Glad the weather is finally nice again! :D

              Friday, 20-May-11 23:50:13 UTC from web
    2. @sweetiebelle99 Hey hey - How's it going? :D

      Friday, 20-May-11 23:43:12 UTC from web
      1. @haganbmj FAAAABULOUS!!! * !hughug* ^_^ Whatcha doin'? :D

        Friday, 20-May-11 23:45:03 UTC from web
        1. @sweetiebelle99 FAB?! That's excellent :D - Any particular reason for such fabulous-ness?

          Friday, 20-May-11 23:47:00 UTC from web
          1. @haganbmj *thinks* Hmmm.....WHY YES ACTUALLY!! I'm eating sprinkles. ^_^ *noms a hoofful of rainbow-colored, sugar-filled sprinkles* Yummmm.....Want some? :D *offers some sprinkles to you* :D

            Friday, 20-May-11 23:51:10 UTC from web
            1. @sweetiebelle99 I would love some sprinkles!! Haven't had any in such a long long time.

              Friday, 20-May-11 23:54:30 UTC from web
              1. @haganbmj YAY FOR SPRINKLES!! ^_^ *hands you a generous head of rainbow-colored, sugar-filled sprinkles*

                Friday, 20-May-11 23:58:01 UTC from web
                1. @sweetiebelle99 Yum yum yum :3

                  Saturday, 21-May-11 00:33:42 UTC from web
    3. @sweetiebelle99 Hiya, there! With !hugs to spare!

      Friday, 20-May-11 23:43:28 UTC from web
      1. @retl *squeals* O HAI RETL!!! *super giant !hughug* Whatcha doin'?:D

        Friday, 20-May-11 23:45:55 UTC from web
        1. @sweetiebelle99 Yay! :D I'm playing and "are-pea"ing in a MUSH and I've got lotsa lotsa balloons at my house and I can make 'em squeak and squish and stuff!

          Friday, 20-May-11 23:47:43 UTC from web
          1. @retl BALLOONS?! *wants so hard* what colors? O.o

            Friday, 20-May-11 23:53:07 UTC from web
            1. @sweetiebelle99: Well, if you're talking Jewel Tone Perfect Products, then I have Black, Red, Clear, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Orange. But if you mean 24" Tuftex, I have Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange in that order in the standard colors. They're not inflated at the moment, but I have the pump if you want to. There's a printed Qualatex, 24" but trust me, you might lose your hearing for a while if you get too frisky with one of those. Hrm... There's also some other assorted balloons in another set, only one of which is >16", and that's a 32" Tilly I think or something like that. For reference, that's very likely bigger than you stacked on top of one of your friends like Apple Bloom or Sugar. But there's more colors in that set, some pastels and things like Burgundy and wine colors.

              Saturday, 21-May-11 00:13:39 UTC from gwibber
              1. @retl!!!!! *squeals with joy* You are the most epic balloon man that ever lived, man!!!! *in awe of the sheer greatness of so many colors of balloons*

                Saturday, 21-May-11 00:16:17 UTC from web
                1. @sweetiebelle99 Thanks! But I'm not. There's people who make a living out of knowing their stuff and helping other people buy exactly what they need. :3 I'm not one of them, and don't really aspire to be. I want to make things!

                  Saturday, 21-May-11 00:27:39 UTC from web
              2. @retl I sell balloons and balloon accessories.

                Saturday, 21-May-11 00:20:20 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @ickus You do? Last I heard was that Tilly went bankrupt and stopped producing? Is that so? Got any in stock, and how much for shipping within the US? Or was it Everts? I keep getting the two mixed up.

                  Saturday, 21-May-11 00:28:59 UTC from web
                  1. @retl I was actually quoting the meme, and trying to impersonate you. To be honest I don't find much interest in balloons.

                    Saturday, 21-May-11 00:34:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @ickus Oooh, alrighty. XD I guess I should have caught the meme considering I used to watch King of the Hill, but I wasn't sure. I find them fascinating, but I'm cheap when it comes to buying stuff. :B

                      Saturday, 21-May-11 00:36:17 UTC from web
                      1. @retl The photoshopped image of an Applejack version of Hank Hill saying "I sell Apples and Apple Accessories" still haunts me...

                        Saturday, 21-May-11 00:39:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @ickus Bwahahahaha that's great! XD

                          Saturday, 21-May-11 00:40:00 UTC from web
                          1. @retl You may be saying that now, but wait until you see the image...

                            Saturday, 21-May-11 00:44:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @sweetiebelle99 lol whoops - and I'm not doing a whole lot. Watching The Office right now :) - I think I'll probably work on some art and stuff.

          Friday, 20-May-11 23:47:44 UTC from web
    4. @sweetiebelle99 AWESOME !hughug :D how do you do ?

      Friday, 20-May-11 23:46:24 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker HAI!!! <3 *massive hugehugehuge !hug* I'm doin' absolutly fine!! :D Thanks fer askin'. How are you doin'? :D

        Friday, 20-May-11 23:48:00 UTC from web
        1. @sweetiebelle99 I am finding out its LATE... so I have to wrap up and go to bed soonish. Today was a good day :D ( even if I forgot to bring sambal from the supermarket, I'll do that tomorrow :D )

          Friday, 20-May-11 23:51:06 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh yay!! Sounds awesome!!! But whatsa sa-am-be-al? *cocks head cluelessly*

            Friday, 20-May-11 23:56:46 UTC from web
            1. @sweetiebelle99 *laughs* *pats sweetie belle* ever ate a hot pepper ? Immagine it even spicier and hotter, in a jar, as some sort of sauce :D

              Saturday, 21-May-11 00:00:23 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker Whooooaaaa......sounds AMAZIN'!!! :D

                Saturday, 21-May-11 00:01:46 UTC from web
                1. @sweetiebelle99 heck yea :P with a little bit of inginuity you make every foodstuff... diffrent :D ... it works GREAT on cupcakes, muffins, rice, toast, fish, all sorts of vegetables, and my favorite, tosti :D ( which ofcourse when properly translated into english would be a "grilled cheese sandwich" ... never understood that... its more awesome than the proper translation ) TOSTI :D

                  Saturday, 21-May-11 00:09:56 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker Tosti....I like it!! *sings while bounceing up and down* Tosti! Tosti! Tosti is the best word that ends with "iiiiiiiiiiiii"!!!! ^_^

                    Saturday, 21-May-11 00:14:04 UTC from web
                    1. @sweetiebelle99 how about spagethi ? or macaroni ? or sushi ? origami ? chili ?... *thinks about it* know what ? you are right *joins in the bouncing* ~tosti tosti~ :D

                      Saturday, 21-May-11 00:19:38 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker Mmmmm.....origami!!! ^_^ *bouncing* Tooooosssstttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - YEAH!!!!

                        Saturday, 21-May-11 00:21:26 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 Please, please don't say ANYTHING about this.

      Saturday, 21-May-11 00:37:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop