

  1. Must... Not... Succumb... To sleep... Must... Stay... True... To !lolsleep

    Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:09:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @techdisk42 !lolsleep

      Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:10:54 UTC from web
    2. @techdisk42 Protip: the key to beating !lolsleep is to never tell people when you're going to sleep and cut posts before you go to sleep to a minumum.

      Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:11:46 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse Exactly. Never "go to bed," just eventually not be posting any more, then start again later with no mention.

        Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:12:44 UTC from web
        1. @scribusstatham you would know. You're a pro

          Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:15:06 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse Absolutely. Probably part of why I end up in such a doley mood by Wednesday most weeks.

            Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:15:48 UTC from web
            1. @scribusstatham I thought that was just school or whatever you're doing nowadays.

              Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:21:09 UTC from web
              1. @alargesmallhorse It plays a part at times. Mostly liking it, though, aside from the waking up outrageously early part.

                Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:22:01 UTC from web
                1. @scribusstatham Isn't college, like, lenient in terms of when you show up? All I hear about college is that you never need to show up and it will never help you in the future.

                  Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:23:49 UTC from web
                  1. @alargesmallhorse Depends on the teacher/class. And as for the "never help" thing, I think a lot of that depends on what you take/do.

                    Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:25:39 UTC from web
                    1. @scribusstatham Well I hear pursuing academic studies is worthless unless you wanna be a teacher (in which my teachers say it didn't help them at all in terms of learning the subject matter) and trade schools or anything else are the scum of the earth and have no need for existing. The leniency based on teachers makes complete sense, though.

                      Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:27:25 UTC from web
                      1. @alargesmallhorse Yeah, I dunno. I don't think a higher education is straight-up worthless, I just think it's largely overrated and ill-structured for most things.

                        Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:30:40 UTC from web
      2. @alargesmallhorse but I never know when I will sleep till I sleep...

        Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:13:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      3. @alargesmallhorse you can never beat !lolsleep!

        Monday, 30-Apr-12 06:15:48 UTC from web