

  1. My collection grows... 3 brushies, 6 McD toys, a figurine, and a whole lotta art.

    Friday, 04-May-12 14:25:45 UTC from web
    1. @lightningcrash I have three brushies, nine McD's, 32 blind bags, a shirt, a Fashion Style Fluttershy, and a poster.

      Friday, 04-May-12 14:26:45 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada Rawr. I sad, cause I never got Fluttershy or Twilight from McD's.

        Friday, 04-May-12 14:27:40 UTC from web
        1. @lightningcrash that's all we had for the longest time

          Friday, 04-May-12 14:28:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @redenchilada Yeah. I scored 5 different McD ponies within 2 days. So, now I guess if I want my collection to be complete in that area, I'll have to go online.

            Friday, 04-May-12 14:29:42 UTC from web
            1. @lightningcrash I have a friend with a big box full of them <3

              Friday, 04-May-12 14:30:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @redenchilada Gah. You must sell me twi' and fshy!

                Friday, 04-May-12 14:34:01 UTC from web
                1. @lightningcrash I think the guy actually needs monies so I can point you to him when I get home if you want me to.

                  Friday, 04-May-12 14:35:40 UTC from StatusNet Android