

  1. Hi. :U

    Sunday, 22-May-11 04:12:57 UTC from web
    1. @zarkanorf HAT!

      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:13:45 UTC from web
      1. @carcinopony KITTY MOBILE!

        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:14:33 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf beep beep motherf***er

          Sunday, 22-May-11 04:15:58 UTC from web
          1. @carcinopony YES! cherries YES!

            Sunday, 22-May-11 04:16:48 UTC from web
            1. @zarkanorf now I need my kitty get away car to escape the Troll cops.

              Sunday, 22-May-11 04:18:21 UTC from web
    2. @zarkanorf ITS THE HAT!

      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:14:20 UTC from web
      1. @delc17 HI DELC!!!!

        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:14:56 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf I had something i really wanted to tell u earlier and i forgot it *cries*

          Sunday, 22-May-11 04:16:46 UTC from web
          1. @delc17 WAS IT. WAS IT SOMETHING ABOUT # OR !PLOT ?

            Sunday, 22-May-11 04:17:20 UTC from web
            1. @zarkanorf no, it was neither

              Sunday, 22-May-11 04:19:56 UTC from web
              1. @delc17 *wiggle wiggle*

                Sunday, 22-May-11 04:20:19 UTC from web
              2. @delc17 >:

                Sunday, 22-May-11 04:20:46 UTC from web
                1. @zarkanorf Oh, i remember now. it was league of legends

                  Sunday, 22-May-11 04:22:34 UTC from web
                  1. @delc17 What about it?

                    Sunday, 22-May-11 04:23:02 UTC from web
                    1. @zarkanorf that was for u

                      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:24:26 UTC from web
                      1. @delc17 MORE OR LESS, THAT IS LoL

                        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:25:19 UTC from web
    3. @zarkanorf HI ZARKY~

      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:14:38 UTC from web
      1. @magicrussia HIYA RUSSIA!!

        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:15:05 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf WHATS UP!? =D

          Sunday, 22-May-11 04:17:01 UTC from web
          1. @magicrussia I had a lot of fun Minecrafting today, but I got a bit frustrated trying to navigate my friend's server in multiplayer. I think I need a new way to venture out and get materials.

            Sunday, 22-May-11 04:18:31 UTC from web
            1. @zarkanorf I know nothing about Minecraft so that is all Moonspeak to me xD I'm still playing SoulSilver. Coming to a halt because Falkner is beating me, b'aw. This is what I get for picking a Grass Pokemon as my starter. But thats okay, because I lav my Chikorita

              Sunday, 22-May-11 04:21:05 UTC from web
              1. @magicrussia Do you have anything not Grass? If so, train the hell out of it. Might I suggest a Ghastly?

                Sunday, 22-May-11 04:22:08 UTC from web
                1. @zarkanorf Weirdly, I got NO RANDOM BATTLES AT ALL in Sprout Tower. I have plenty of non-grass Pokemon though, including a Sentret who's becoming quite a destructive bugger

                  Sunday, 22-May-11 04:23:43 UTC from web
                  1. @magicrussia Level up Sentrent like nopony's business?

                    Sunday, 22-May-11 04:24:27 UTC from web
                    1. @zarkanorf I am so doing that nao

                      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:30:04 UTC from web
                      1. @magicrussia :D

                        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:31:03 UTC from web
                        1. @zarkanorf C:

                          Sunday, 22-May-11 04:31:51 UTC from web
                          1. @magicrussia :B

                            Sunday, 22-May-11 04:33:23 UTC from web
                      2. Also, I am really liking to building sky houses in Minecraft; No creepers trying to destroy it, mobs are always below me... but it's hard to find white wool in a huge batch. :c

                        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:33:37 UTC from web
    4. @zarkanorf Hello!

      Sunday, 22-May-11 04:14:39 UTC from web
      1. @starshine Hey-you~ SO, HOW'S EVERYONE'S NIGHT BEEN?

        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:15:20 UTC from web
      2. Also, I just realized "Hey you" sounds like "aeiou."

        Sunday, 22-May-11 04:15:41 UTC from web
        1. @zarkanorf !aeiou to you, too!

          Sunday, 22-May-11 04:16:14 UTC from web