

  1. I think I confused iTunes by trying to buy a song from the Italian iTunes Store.. does anyone know how to get an Italian exclusive song?

    Sunday, 17-Nov-13 02:55:31 UTC from web
    1. @desiros I don't, sorry. :c

      Sunday, 17-Nov-13 02:56:01 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg its ok

        Sunday, 17-Nov-13 02:57:59 UTC from web
    2. @desiros I suppose you had already tried typing in the title of the song in the American store? I was able to download songs from Tenores de Neoneli, although I'm not sure if they're exclusive

      Sunday, 17-Nov-13 03:00:05 UTC from web
      1. @awlderpy yep, all i've gotten so far is cruddy karaoke covers. It's doubly weird because the group is American but their music is Italian exclusive?

        Sunday, 17-Nov-13 03:01:56 UTC from web
        1. @desiros Oh that is strange; maybe they're just not on itunes but that seems pretty stupid if there are covers of their songs. Afraid I'm not sure either.

          Sunday, 17-Nov-13 03:03:16 UTC from web
          1. @awlderpy They

            Sunday, 17-Nov-13 03:04:03 UTC from web
          2. @awlderpy there are only italian and british downloads?

            Sunday, 17-Nov-13 03:04:34 UTC from web