

  1. This conversation might be starting to get too hashtag lewd for RDN.

    Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:04:10 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @redenchilada pls Red

      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:05:06 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Nico

        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:06:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @redenchilada I like to watch Red

          Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:07:16 UTC from web
          1. @rarity I like to watch Red too

            Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:08:09 UTC from web
            1. @coffeecream "I like to watch, Red"

              Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:08:50 UTC from web
              1. @rarity I'm sure pony-Rarity likes to do the same thing... XD

                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:10:00 UTC from web
                1. @deadmadness665 I am pony Rarity

                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:10:19 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity Cutie mark or GTFO

                    Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:11:40 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    1. @redenchilada and I have a cutie mark you nerd

                      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:12:35 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity Prove it to us Nico

                        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:13:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
                        1. @redenchilada I have before

                          Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:14:12 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity I've forgotten

                            Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:14:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            1. @redenchilada HERE NERD

                              Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:20:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @rarity :o Well you must be the real pony Rarity then, Nico

                                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:21:45 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                1. @redenchilada who is Nico

                                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:22:30 UTC from web
                                  1. @rarity You are

                                    Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:24:38 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                    1. @redenchilada then why is my cutie mark that

                                      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:25:24 UTC from web
                                      1. @rarity Your guess is as good as mine Nico

                                        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:26:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                        1. @redenchilada not my name yo

                                          Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:27:06 UTC from web
                              2. @rarity Day-ummmmm! You actually have one!? Omg.. My mind just got blown!

                                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:22:54 UTC from web
                                1. @deadmadness665 Over-reacting is really fun... X3

                                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:23:35 UTC from web
                                2. @deadmadness665 Of course I do

                                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:24:13 UTC from web
                              3. @rarity The coat colour is wrong though!

                                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:24:42 UTC from web
                      2. @rarity Man, he really wants a picture of your ass. XD

                        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:15:03 UTC from web
                    2. @redenchilada Oh, so you want a picture of Rarity's ass, eh?

                      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:13:31 UTC from web
                      1. @deadmadness665 No, of the cutie mark

                        Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:14:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                        1. @redenchilada Which is, essentially, in the quad section, is it not?

                          Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:15:53 UTC from web
              2. @rarity I'm flattered, Nico

                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:10:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada not you, that'd be weird

                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:11:12 UTC from web
              3. @rarity p.s. #

                Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:10:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @redenchilada IT'S NOT REDASH AMMO IF I MEANT IT THAT WAY

                  Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:12:21 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity Nobody says it can't be

                    Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:12:56 UTC from StatusNet Android
          2. @rarity Haha, Rarity likes to watch, guys! X3

            Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:08:13 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Yeah, I'm not gonna push it any further than that. Already seemed a bit far, tbh. xD

      Tuesday, 26-Nov-13 01:05:57 UTC from web