


    Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 23:17:03 UTC from Choqok
    1. @broniebrown Project Cerulean-bait too, by the looks of it.

      Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 23:19:02 UTC from web
      1. @bitshift It serves multiple purposes

        Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 23:20:08 UTC from Choqok
        1. @broniebrown Good, good. (Also that looks fantastic already. Can't wait to see where it goes. :3)

          Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 23:20:48 UTC from web
          1. @bitshift It's going to be more literally more edgy. Well.. I'll add the audience at the bottom and finish the the other areas. There won't be a big surprise artistically.

            Wednesday, 27-Nov-13 23:24:14 UTC from Choqok