

  1. Since I'll never get around to scanning this apparently I'll just post links to the pics here. This is a song I had written in Maycan a while back, Maycan being my created language work-in-progress. This script is a little derived from old Mongolian/Uyghur and I tried to at least mimic a little bit of Arabic calligraphy in it.

    Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 02:58:36 UTC from web
    1. @awlderpy Constructed languages are so freakin cool

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 02:59:45 UTC from web
    2. @awlderpy !linguistics this also, in a script modeled after old Turkic "runes" writing.

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:00:25 UTC from web
    3. @awlderpy also am I supposed to tilt my head left or right

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:00:43 UTC from web
      1. @rarity The first is written vertically, up to down. Runic one is right to left.

        Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:04:53 UTC from web
        1. @awlderpy OH I thought the image was sideways

          Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:05:56 UTC from web
          1. @rarity The vertical script I consider my masterpiece; I had taken many years to form it and finally... I think it's perfect. The Runic one is like a working script and basically... Well I just need to work in the language more.

            Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:08:01 UTC from web
            1. @awlderpy it's really really beautiful

              Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:08:52 UTC from web
              1. @rarity Thank you! That means a lot to hear because I've worked very hard at making it project the harmony Maycan posesses in spoken form.

                Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:10:43 UTC from web
    4. @awlderpy and finally a translation is at my Tumblr account here oddly enough this base I felt was very weak and it sounds so much better in Maycan. If I could sing, I'd make it a real song.

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:05:47 UTC from web
    5. @oracle I drew a huge amount of inspiration from it, mostly in writing and a few base words from Mongolic and Turkic languages.

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:09:00 UTC from web
    6. @oracle Different strokes for different folks!

      Wednesday, 04-Dec-13 03:11:18 UTC from web