Man... Been a while since I last posted here...
Monday, 23-May-11 22:38:52 UTC from web-
@mastermask lurk more, post more, huggle more... I'll starts * !hugs you * :D
Monday, 23-May-11 22:40:38 UTC from web -
@mastermask OH MY GOSH ITS MASTERMASK. Hi =D @fluttershy321 Yay <3 *licks the frosting* @critialcloudkicker Way to turn something cute and innocent into something perverted, LOL
Monday, 23-May-11 22:43:38 UTC from web-
@magicrussia i like cupcakes just ask delc17 he knows how much i love them
Monday, 23-May-11 22:45:31 UTC from web