

  1. @chaosmagic the sound track of milla's classy costume is so pretty

    Friday, 20-Dec-13 18:06:57 UTC from web
    1. @mushi classy costume has a battle music?

      Friday, 20-Dec-13 22:51:43 UTC from web
      1. @chaosmagic well, i dont know if it is the costume's there,, but anyway, it is the battle theme near the end of the game

        Friday, 20-Dec-13 23:22:39 UTC from web
        1. @mushi battle theme changes over the course of the story ^^ I think there are 2 for each story. I'm wondering if there will be ever a gay tales of char xD

          Saturday, 21-Dec-13 07:16:52 UTC from web
          1. @chaosmagic sincerely, for me they would completely exterminate any love relationship in the game, so im not really look forward an homo couple in them

            Saturday, 21-Dec-13 13:19:46 UTC from web
            1. @mushi I don't say there needs to be a homo couple. A char can be it without having a love interest in the game :3

              Sunday, 22-Dec-13 20:07:33 UTC from web
          2. @chaosmagic wow, these devil beasts sure are tough, i though i've be as easy as the giganto monsters on Tales of vesperia, but they are just too hard

            Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:25:08 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Well I know they are strong, especially if you play with a higher difficulty. When you end the game you get an item that allows you to enter the bonus dungeon. Doing the devil beasts is something you need to do tough for it.

              Sunday, 22-Dec-13 20:06:48 UTC from web
              1. @chaosmagic Yeah, they are real strong, but i only need to beat one more, get one more mysterious jewel and see what happens

                Monday, 23-Dec-13 20:10:10 UTC from web
                1. @mushi mysterious jewels dont have to do with the devil beasts. how much rang do you have by your titles? It makes sense they are strong in hard difficulty. By graces f i only need to do the future arc boss in under one minute cause i recently did kurt in chaos difficutly in like 50 seconds.

                  Wednesday, 25-Dec-13 02:32:34 UTC from web
                  1. @chaosmagic no, i mean, i need the mystreious jewels to do what i want to do before going to the final dungeon, I have a lot of titles on xillia, but not many trophies :\.... and, well, that might have been hard

                    Wednesday, 25-Dec-13 10:30:26 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi I mean do you know the rang points thing? I have like 6200. I would recommend always having enough food so you like use always food after every battle. I have now a skill that allows milla to use the one thing that jude does when he back steps and avoids to be hit by the enemy, but only when she is linked to jude. The title menu pretty much shows how often you used certain stuff and other stuff. I can't get the last title for watching like over 200 skits anymore. It wasnt that difficult. he didnt get to use his mystic arte. It would have been quicker if i had my accel bar at max so i could have used the accel mode mystic arte.

                      Wednesday, 25-Dec-13 13:29:33 UTC from web
                      1. @chaosmagic hm... no, i dont know those. And yes, i only reached the lvl 15 because i'm constantlu under the effect of EXP boosting foods. Oh, really? what is the name of the skill? i probably wont use much because i'm usually linked with elize. Also, damn, the colisseum is hard hahaha. Ah, i've beaten the boss of the mysterious jewels, it wa pretty hard, but they gave me a ton ox exp and and one hit ko arte for jude, so it is all goo

                        Thursday, 26-Dec-13 16:04:30 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi The points should show up on the upper left from the titles menu. They are pretty much the grade what you will have in new game + You get that skill in coliseum single advanced with milla (every char gets something in single avanced and grandmaster ) The arte that makes one hit ko is more likely to make one hit ko if you knock down the enemy first ( jude has an arte that can do that ) and the one hit ko rate raises if you use it a few hundred times.

                          Thursday, 26-Dec-13 19:07:31 UTC from web
    2. @snowcone i've been grinding a lot. i'm like 10 levels higher than them

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:28:52 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone i've done it one to this particular fight. i felt humilliated

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:31:38 UTC from web
    4. @snowcone but have you killed the giganto monsters already?

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:34:53 UTC from web
    5. @snowcone oh, that cave one was easy. the only one i had problem to kill was the medusa butterfly

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:39:32 UTC from web
    6. @snowcone well, maybe i was just too leveled up. i finished the game at level 60 or something

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:46:01 UTC from web
    7. @snowcone the monsters dont go much past lvl 40, so i gave up on reaching maximum level. but if you beat it you can use your grade to buy 2x or 10x exp for your next gameplay

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:50:57 UTC from web
    8. @snowcone have fun, i tried to do that so that could fight Dhaos in the next gameplay, but i'm usually not much fan of replaying games

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 16:55:27 UTC from web
    9. @snowcone my sister played that a load of time. Tales of xillia is one i will replay since it requires are least to gameplays to get the whole story

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 17:02:09 UTC from web
    10. @snowcone yeah, in xillia you can chose if you will play with milla or jude in the begining of the game, and through the gameplay they follow different way every now and again, the we only see what happens with the character we picked, and the ending is diefferent for them. But to compensate it, they made this game short. I'm playing on hard and i only didnt beat the game with 65 hours because i'm getting some sub events done

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 17:06:47 UTC from web
    11. @snowcone watching lets play is meh

      Saturday, 21-Dec-13 17:11:56 UTC from web