chaosmagic's status on Wednesday, 25-Dec-13 13:29:33 UTC

  1. @mushi I mean do you know the rang points thing? I have like 6200. I would recommend always having enough food so you like use always food after every battle. I have now a skill that allows milla to use the one thing that jude does when he back steps and avoids to be hit by the enemy, but only when she is linked to jude. The title menu pretty much shows how often you used certain stuff and other stuff. I can't get the last title for watching like over 200 skits anymore. It wasnt that difficult. he didnt get to use his mystic arte. It would have been quicker if i had my accel bar at max so i could have used the accel mode mystic arte.

    Wednesday, 25-Dec-13 13:29:33 UTC from web in context