

  1. @chaosmagic Milla's ending was a bit weird

    Friday, 27-Dec-13 04:12:48 UTC from web
    1. @mushi i dunno if both stories have different endings. So you already used the artes you got after the ending ?

      Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:24:06 UTC from web
      1. @chaosmagic for what i've been told, they have different ending, and well, i just started the game, i didnt really played much after that

        Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:25:26 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Do you remember how much grade you have? Also got the joke weapons and stuff?

          Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:26:34 UTC from web
          1. @chaosmagic i got a little over 4000 points of grade, and i nly got Milla's joke weapon, then i went to beat the game

            Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:27:59 UTC from web
            1. @mushi I still wanna get some more points. You took the devils weapon to the new game ? I have all joke weapons. I have one of the shops maxed out.

              Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:30:34 UTC from web
              1. @chaosmagic yeas, i got them and the key to magnuns zero or something

                Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:32:10 UTC from web
                1. @mushi its the bonus dungeon after you did all devil beasts you have to go to that one guy and then to fezebel moor there at the end is a green portal.

                  Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:43:34 UTC from web
                  1. @chaosmagic those devil beats' weapons are like the nibilin catalist that get stronger each time you beat a monster with them?

                    Friday, 27-Dec-13 21:45:38 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi yes but only after you beat magnus zero

                      Sunday, 29-Dec-13 03:55:49 UTC from web
                      1. @chaosmagic they dint explain us what is the xillia in the name. would it derive from exile as in reize maxia and elmpius are exiled from each other?

                        Sunday, 29-Dec-13 03:58:05 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi Did they explain it in symphonia or abyss or any game actually? Btw i try avoiding seeing information about xillia 2 and zestria.

                          Sunday, 29-Dec-13 04:22:09 UTC from web
                          1. @chaosmagic in some games you can make some relations, but, like games like ToS and ToD have names that mean something, but xillia is just a random word, so i thought it'd be an element of the game just like in ToV and ToE. Well, all i know about xillia 2 is pretty much some DLC costumes and zestiria i only know the name of the main characters and the meaning of the name.

                            By the way, in TotA, they didnt explicitly mentioned on abss, but they create holes that go to the center of the world, so i think that can be called an abyss.

                            Also, maybe we could associate Destiny to the fact that it was Stahn's destiny to be in draconis when the were transporting dymlos

                            Sunday, 29-Dec-13 05:41:54 UTC from web
                            1. @mushi I know you can keep your xillia dlcs in xillia 2 but i dunno if the alternative colours will be avaible too, seeing as in xillia 2 the chars look somewhat different. That all makes sense o:

                              Sunday, 29-Dec-13 07:21:49 UTC from web
                              1. @chaosmagic that is good, since i paied for milla's dhaos costume,

                                Sunday, 29-Dec-13 16:18:09 UTC from web
                                1. @mushi From what I seen Milla looks the least different in xillia 2 compared to xillia than the rest of the xillia cast. Is it me or some towns in xillia have some asian like feeling to them?

                                  Sunday, 29-Dec-13 16:36:45 UTC from web