monsutaa kaado! (mushi)'s status on Sunday, 29-Dec-13 05:41:54 UTC

  1. @chaosmagic in some games you can make some relations, but, like games like ToS and ToD have names that mean something, but xillia is just a random word, so i thought it'd be an element of the game just like in ToV and ToE. Well, all i know about xillia 2 is pretty much some DLC costumes and zestiria i only know the name of the main characters and the meaning of the name.

    By the way, in TotA, they didnt explicitly mentioned on abss, but they create holes that go to the center of the world, so i think that can be called an abyss.

    Also, maybe we could associate Destiny to the fact that it was Stahn's destiny to be in draconis when the were transporting dymlos

    Sunday, 29-Dec-13 05:41:54 UTC from web in context