

  1. lol, atelier rorona suports 1080p and ToX doesnt. wat.

    Monday, 30-Dec-13 19:55:57 UTC from web
    1. @mushi What a world we live in.

      Monday, 30-Dec-13 19:56:29 UTC from web
      1. @bowandlyre well, at least the clothes of Rorona's characters are better animated than ToX', but the rest of the graphs are a lot worse

        Monday, 30-Dec-13 19:57:38 UTC from web
        1. @mushi That reminds me, i need to play Xillia. But manI need to go to gamestop. I have to pre-order Dark souls 2.

          Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:00:05 UTC from web
          1. @bowandlyre play xillia already. where are you on the game?

            Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:02:33 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Back in fenmont looking for crazy red lady.

              Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:04:29 UTC from web
              1. @bowandlyre you will be surprized at how stupidly "hidden" she is

                Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:05:29 UTC from web
    2. @mushi atelier meruru is the best. I know some say totori but meruru is most polished

      Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:08:43 UTC from web
      1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual For what matter, atelier iris 2 is still my favorite. But i'm eager to play Totori because she is the cutest thing

        Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:10:26 UTC from web
        1. @mushi totori is good. She's in Meruru too. I liked the premise of Totori's "adventure liscense" better but it seemed a bit more repetitive than meruru

          Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:14:12 UTC from web
          1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual does totri follow the same style as rorona? like, the only thing you do is getting materials and doing requests?

            Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:14:57 UTC from web
            1. @mushi basically yes. All the atelier games have a similiar formula but each one expands on the last a little more

              Monday, 30-Dec-13 20:28:49 UTC from web
              1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual yeah.. i really preffer the ps2 games then, before they dedicated the whole series to cuteness

                Monday, 30-Dec-13 21:45:11 UTC from web
                1. @mushi you're doing it wrong!

                  Monday, 30-Dec-13 22:29:07 UTC from web
                  1. @mylittlesistercantbethisincestual Viese is never wrong

                    Monday, 30-Dec-13 22:31:06 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi but meruru is always right

                      Tuesday, 31-Dec-13 03:07:49 UTC from web