

  1. That moment after you finally open your first blindbag and get a Twilight Velvet. It smells completely terrible and it makes you wonder how you ever ended up in this position, but it fills you with happiness just to have a pony... (P.S.: Can someone find me the correct blindbag identification chart? The cover is filled with diamonds and Twilight Velvet is number 22 on the card in the packages)

    Monday, 14-May-12 20:40:35 UTC from Choqok
    1. @omni Euro wave IV

      Monday, 14-May-12 20:41:55 UTC from web
      1. @sarramore Thank you. Do you also know where I can find the number on the packaging? I really find it hard to find them, being honest. I'm looking all over the package to find "22" but I simply can't (well, I can find it on one location, but that would make this other blindbag that looks exactly the same number 32, which seems impossible)

        Monday, 14-May-12 20:48:11 UTC from Choqok
        1. @omni Place packaging in front of you, now turn i over like a book page. The bag I just got had a number near the top and kinda central. Check it. Report back soon

          Monday, 14-May-12 20:51:18 UTC from web
          1. @sarramore 52422? That doesn't seem right...

            Monday, 14-May-12 20:52:35 UTC from Choqok
            1. @omni You are looking for just two numbers, they will be by themselves. When you see them, you shall probably face palm, I did.

              Monday, 14-May-12 20:54:27 UTC from web