

  1. Eminem is 41 years old and is still throwing "dolegot" around like a 14 year old. SMH

    Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:52:58 UTC from web
    1. @rarity well you know what I meant

      Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:53:54 UTC from web
    2. @rarity Is he? I only own two albums from him, and I don't recall him saying that during "Recovery" at all.

      Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:54:17 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation the MMLP2, his latest album, is him trying to get back to his turn of the millennium self. AKA homophobia. I will admit that MMLP2 is so much better than his tender bullcrap from Relapse and Recovery, but he probably needs to grow up just a little bit

        Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:55:51 UTC from web
        1. @rarity I haven't heard his latest album, yet. But I don't think Recovery was that bad. It had some pretty enjoyable songs.

          Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:57:00 UTC from web
          1. @mrmattimation I just feel like his self-reflective stuff from those two albums are just really bland and boring. Not Afraid and Love the Way You Lie are worth a few listens, but it's just bland compared to his older serious stuff. My favorite track from Recovery is Won't Back Down

            Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:58:43 UTC from web
        2. @rarity From what I understand it's only Eminem's Slim Shady character that says it. And Slim's basically a 14-year old asshole.

          Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:59:59 UTC from web
          1. @fortecadenza that in no way makes it okay

            Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 20:00:41 UTC from web
            1. @rarity Not at all. But I don't think Eminem's homophobic himself. At least not anymore.

              Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 20:02:14 UTC from web
              1. @fortecadenza he definitely was back then, for sure. IIRC Slim Shady isn't so much a character as it is an exaggeration of Em's negative features

                Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 20:03:43 UTC from web
    3. @sprite more like immature ass, appealing to lowest common denominator life

      Tuesday, 21-Jan-14 19:54:17 UTC from web