

  1. We need to do more push ups so girls come to the site.

    Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:22:21 UTC from Mayonnaise
    1. @extremefurry Excuse you I do daily workouts

      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:23:10 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Well you need to do more.

        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:24:51 UTC from Mayonnaise
        1. @extremefurry I do more than you

          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:25:10 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty You don't know that. But you still need to do more.

            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:26:23 UTC from Mayonnaise
            1. @extremefurry I do plenty. I'm carrying you on my shoulders mang.

              Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:26:55 UTC from web
              1. @yodelerty Well I guess carrying me would be doing more... So go ahead!

                Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:29:13 UTC from Mayonnaise
                1. @extremefurry That's not the attitude to have for getting ladies on the site. Also ew I don't want a furry on my back

                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:31:44 UTC from web
                  1. @yodelerty Hey man you're the one asked for it. And my attitude is Do More = More Girls

                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:33:25 UTC from Mayonnaise
                    1. @extremefurry Then why aren't you doing more?

                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:36:18 UTC from web
                      1. @yodelerty I am doing more! I'm doing one armed push ups as I type this.

                        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:37:26 UTC from Mayonnaise
                        1. @extremefurry oh my apologies you filthy liar

                          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:37:54 UTC from web
                          1. @yodelerty You're right. I was actually doing no armed push ups. I just didn't want you to feel insecure.

                            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:39:13 UTC from Mayonnaise
                            1. @extremefurry No-armed pushups is just laying on the ground

                              Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:40:40 UTC from web
                              1. @yodelerty Not the way I do it.

                                Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:41:04 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                1. @extremefurry In an imaginary way no doubt

                                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:41:59 UTC from web
                                  1. @yodelerty You must not be Russian.

                                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:44:24 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                    1. @extremefurry Neither are you

                                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:45:30 UTC from web
                                      1. @yodelerty I am what ever I want to be.

                                        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:47:05 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                        1. @extremefurry You wish man.

                                          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:47:59 UTC from web
                                          1. @yodelerty No you wish, but you have stop wishing and start doing. Once you start doing you can be whatever you want, and then there will be more girls.

                                            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:50:28 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                            1. @extremefurry I'm pretty sure there's a reason girls don't like coming here and it ain't because we're not doing enough pushups or because we're keeping our shirts on

                                              Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:51:56 UTC from web
                                              1. @yodelerty You're right. We need to do more.

                                                Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:54:38 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                1. @extremefurry I'm so glad you're never serious

                                                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:58:59 UTC from web
                                                  1. @yodelerty What gave you the idea that I'm never serious?

                                                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:05:51 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                    1. @extremefurry

                                                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:06:53 UTC from web
                                                      1. @yodelerty Ah, but you took that seriously, and I said it.

                                                        Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:09:00 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                        1. @extremefurry Because otherwise nothing makes sense.

                                                          Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:09:35 UTC from web
                                                          1. @yodelerty Or does it?

                                                            Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:10:21 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                            1. @extremefurry Not even a little bit

                                                              Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:10:42 UTC from web
                                                              1. @yodelerty Or maybe it's make a lot of bits

                                                                Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:13:00 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                                1. @extremefurry ur dum

                                                                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:13:37 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @yodelerty Or maybe I'm a genius.

                                                                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:14:15 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                                                    1. @extremefurry If that's what you want to think knock yourself out

                                                                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:15:27 UTC from web
    2. @extremefurry I don't want that

      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:23:11 UTC from web
      1. @rarity Girls are great though! I like girls.

        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:25:21 UTC from Mayonnaise
        1. @extremefurry *high fives*

          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:26:01 UTC from web
          1. @theyurityphoon Aren't girls great?

            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:27:58 UTC from Mayonnaise
            1. @extremefurry the best my man

              Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:33:27 UTC from web
              1. @theyurityphoon We need girls. Without girls there is no Yuri. Without Yuri there is no man.

                Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:35:07 UTC from Mayonnaise
                1. @extremefurry Without Yuri there is no happiness, no meaning in life. Life becomes a dull painting made only of shades of grey. We must remedy this situation before it gets too far out of hand.

                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:36:16 UTC from web
                  1. @theyurityphoon Girls.

                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:37:55 UTC from Mayonnaise
                    1. @extremefurry We must construct a plan to attract them here.

                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:39:19 UTC from web
                      1. @theyurityphoon I've already got my shirt off.

                        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:39:58 UTC from Mayonnaise
                        1. @extremefurry I think I'll refrain from doing the same.

                          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:40:15 UTC from web
                          1. @theyurityphoon Girls love man body you must take off your shirt.

                            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:42:14 UTC from Mayonnaise
                            1. @extremefurry I don't think being fat is attractive, man.

                              Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:42:38 UTC from web
                              1. @theyurityphoon You gotta own what you got. Girls like that.

                                Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:45:08 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                1. @extremefurry I... I dunno 'bout that.

                                  Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:46:09 UTC from web
                                  1. @theyurityphoon Trust me. I know girls. I've talked to a few.

                                    Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:47:51 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                    1. @extremefurry u3u boooo

                                      Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:50:17 UTC from web
                                      1. @theyurityphoon Booooobies? Yes you're right.

                                        Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:51:42 UTC from Mayonnaise
                                        1. @extremefurry This is why I like you ♥

                                          Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:52:03 UTC from web
                                          1. @theyurityphoon ^.^

                                            Monday, 10-Feb-14 07:56:38 UTC from Mayonnaise
    3. @vt3c That's awesome! Make sure if you see a woman to take off your shirt, and keep constant eye contact.

      Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:00:20 UTC from Mayonnaise
    4. @vt3c Unless there is nice boobies. Then make sure you keep constant boobies to eye contact.

      Monday, 10-Feb-14 08:04:33 UTC from Mayonnaise