

  1. Okay fine

    Thursday, 13-Feb-14 01:36:16 UTC from web
    1. @snowcone yep

      Thursday, 13-Feb-14 01:39:19 UTC from web
    2. @rexneill1 nice bat pony

      Thursday, 13-Feb-14 01:49:40 UTC from web
      1. @djhedgehog cat bat pony luna knight who has a full moon cutie mark wich he keeps hidden cuase the moon is considered royal symbol

        Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:02:04 UTC from web
        1. @rexneill1 what that is cool

          Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:03:36 UTC from web
        2. @rexneill1 no offense, but: why the cat part? seems unnecessary, and trying to make an excuse for that element to make it plausible would do more harm to the character than good. Also, there are several background characters and other characters who have moonbutts of sorts, but they are not considered royal nor are those cutie marks considered to be royal symbols. So where does that really come from?

          Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:05:03 UTC from web
          1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline well is dad doleed cat so his ears and fur are like cat stuff also vampire type of thang there murdock of plus im some what of a furry so my oc is part cat

            Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:07:45 UTC from web
            1. @rexneill1 my point is, you're trying to make a single character EVERYTHING. that is unappealing, and like I said that explanation you just gave about the cat bit makes the character less interesting and seem more like a desperate effort to shoehorn in a personal preference. Just make a separate cat character if you like the idea of a cat character that much. While bat ponies certainly exist so there is no need to create any eye-rolling backgrounds to justify it, there is literally nothing about being part-cat that is believable or helpful to your character. You cant make a single character represent all of your personal preferences in one, it's honestly unrealistic

              Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:16:34 UTC from web
              1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline fine cat bat named stary night is now the papayasing thang you want you dole just how much time do think it took to come up with a good resaon tha

                Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:19:42 UTC from web
                1. @rexneill1 don't take offense man, this is constructive criticism coming from someone with years experience in writing.

                  Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:20:33 UTC from web
              2. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline ok bana sucker just amange to understand no one has made my charcter also if it was more of my prefrence it woulld be a cat bat pony fire lizard grapes troll so i limited my self goddamit

                Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:22:30 UTC from web
                1. @rexneill1 you realize that there is no need to be offended, right? I did not criticize you, I criticized your character's design. Why are you upset? I did not attack you in any way. I've also been very civil about it.

                  Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:25:50 UTC from web