Crusader 8 (princelypublictimeline)'s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:16:34 UTC

  1. @rexneill1 my point is, you're trying to make a single character EVERYTHING. that is unappealing, and like I said that explanation you just gave about the cat bit makes the character less interesting and seem more like a desperate effort to shoehorn in a personal preference. Just make a separate cat character if you like the idea of a cat character that much. While bat ponies certainly exist so there is no need to create any eye-rolling backgrounds to justify it, there is literally nothing about being part-cat that is believable or helpful to your character. You cant make a single character represent all of your personal preferences in one, it's honestly unrealistic

    Thursday, 13-Feb-14 02:16:34 UTC from web in context