

  1. You know what? I kind of miss the way things used to be. I miss the spaghetti and the internet hugs and the little squiggly marks at the end of every sentence. I miss really caring about the show, I miss reading fanfiction and watching ponies every week and getting really excited on Saturdays. I miss crawling through pages of Youtube videos and finding brony music and PMVs and stuff. I was a stupid little kid, but I was really happy. I loved calling myself a brony, now I dissociate myself from the word at every opportunity. It's really weird, because as much as I'm embarassed that I used to be like that at one point...I kind of wish I could be like that again.

    Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:21:26 UTC from web
    1. @fortecadenza I miss the days when I wasn't paranoid about everyone hating me. I don't know what's wrong with me, I got a bunch of Skype messages and DMs today commending me for certain actions, but I still have this unreasonable paranoia. As much as I'd LIKE to stop caring, it's insanely difficult, which I assume is the problem you're having with not being a spaghetti master. We WANT to be, but we're stopping ourselves from just being happy.

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:25:42 UTC from web
    2. @fortecadenza me too man. I used to feel it was something special. Now it just feels like a big mess that's better to avoid...

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:26:24 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone No, I think it's mostly

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:28:42 UTC from web
    4. @fortecadenza You just mentioned all the things I still do on nearly a daily basis. I'm far from being a stupid kid, too. If you want to like something, the only one stopping you is you.

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 21:28:43 UTC from web
    5. @fortecadenza You're a better person now, Liam.

      Tuesday, 18-Feb-14 09:20:52 UTC from web