

  1. INTJ

    Thursday, 17-May-12 04:38:50 UTC from web
    1. @wafers Good. We fit as pals according to this. I'm ENTJ.

      Thursday, 17-May-12 04:42:00 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos You seem to be more suited for a leading role.

        Thursday, 17-May-12 04:44:51 UTC from web
        1. @wafers I'm always the party leader.

          Thursday, 17-May-12 04:49:33 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Now for fictional characters, HANNIBAL LECTOR, oh yes. Gandalf The Grey, also YES, Cassius from "Caesar" and Clarice from "Silence Of The Lambs". That is awesome.

            Thursday, 17-May-12 04:52:10 UTC from web
            1. @wafers You're Gandalf. You have the best beard.

              Thursday, 17-May-12 04:54:35 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos I do have a pretty nice beard...

                Thursday, 17-May-12 04:56:15 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos If I do turn out to be unsuited as a true leader, I want you to execute me. Make sure it is from the front so I can think about what held me back while I fall. Got it?

            Thursday, 17-May-12 04:54:41 UTC from web
            1. @wafers Got it. It'll be a clean beheading with a sword. I like efficient things. Heh, I end up in one of these agreements with every ally.

              Thursday, 17-May-12 04:56:28 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos No no, through the heart. I still want to be able to live for a few more seconds. I will do the same for you if you prove to not be suitable. We must have failsafes for everyone.

                Thursday, 17-May-12 04:58:48 UTC from web
                1. @wafers Oh well. Though I would preffer to die in combat, this would work too.

                  Thursday, 17-May-12 05:00:37 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos You'll never die with my buffs.

                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:01:19 UTC from web
                    1. @carcino That's the problem in case something goes wrong.

                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:04:09 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos Nothing will, I always help friends. Plus we have a totally banging white mage now!

                        Thursday, 17-May-12 05:05:04 UTC from web
                        1. @carcino Exactly. Sadly, we need a backup plan in case something goes wrong. I once had a curse roll for alignment while playing Sir Lucian. I was lucky since I rolled the same alignment I already had. If I ended in chaotic evil, the whole campaign would be ruined since none of the other characters were strong enough to fight back.

                          Thursday, 17-May-12 05:09:10 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos I have to roll for my alignment? What if I get Evil? And am secretly really OP?

                            Thursday, 17-May-12 05:10:31 UTC from web
                            1. @carcino No, you don't have to roll for your alignment. It was a curse, and I failed the saving rolls. And you're maybe OP. We can't know that until we're in a combat situation.

                              Thursday, 17-May-12 05:12:48 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos ONly thing I can attest to is spitting at a guy and killing him. That was the only combat I had in my one go about with DnD.

                                Thursday, 17-May-12 05:14:13 UTC from web
                                1. @carcino Well, your character was surely OP. Or a dragonborn.

                                  Thursday, 17-May-12 05:16:39 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos Well I tried to cut the legs off his horse as he charged me, but that didn't work. So when he got off I spat in his eye and he fell back onto a rock and died. I wasn't even really playing for real until that point.

                                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:17:53 UTC from web
                                    1. @carcino Haha, at low levels I had a "spear of gouging eyes" on Lucian. An 1d8 spear enchanted to never fail. So I just threw it at bosses's eyes constantly.

                                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:22:17 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos That's ridiculous.

                                        Thursday, 17-May-12 05:22:40 UTC from web
                                2. @carcino @nerthos At this point I can picture all three of us having A huge battle o Godly powers to see who will be the undisputed ruler of the universe.

                                  Thursday, 17-May-12 05:16:47 UTC from web
                                  1. @wafers That would be fun.

                                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:18:53 UTC from web
                  2. @nerthos That being said, i'm sure we will both make great leaders, but if anything happens that threatens the integrity of the reign, we must avoid complete destruction by any means necessary.

                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:02:25 UTC from web
                    1. @wafers The problem with people like us, is that we in short periods of time grow impressive amounts of power. When one of us goes rogue, things often end in chaos, since we are really difficult to best and kill. We're the kind that in fantasy novels end up being the fallen angel; or once a great hero, now an evil overlord.

                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:06:54 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos Perfectly said, we have our reign, and then we just change. I must say, it's probably much more fun being evil. *wide maniacal grin*

                        Thursday, 17-May-12 05:11:22 UTC from web
                        1. @wafers That's the problem. Being evil could really be fun, and I'm too suited for it. That's one of the main reasons I have cthulhufhtagn by my side. She's the only one I know that could beat me in all my fields of expertise.

                          Thursday, 17-May-12 05:15:57 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos So, she's like your form of regulation in a sense?

                            Thursday, 17-May-12 05:17:45 UTC from web
                            1. @wafers Yeah, it's one of her roles. If I have to be completely honest, she's raw potential, and I try to give her all the knowledge I can to build perfection. If someone surpasses me, I want that person to be her. And if I'm unable to live by my honor and principles, she'll be trained enough to be able to stand a chance.

                              Thursday, 17-May-12 05:21:11 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos I see, I feel I will just love to dominate if i ever achieve vast amounts of power. I always had an eye for destruction, and why should I care about those who are lesser than me? For example, I was having a conversation with my friends after seeing Chronicle and we all agreed that I would undoubtedly be the villain and they would all live with their powers alongside the regular folk.

                                Thursday, 17-May-12 05:25:33 UTC from web
                                1. @wafers Yeah, the desire for destruction is a powerful thing. But that's why the wicked and impious exist. Something to destroy without harm. I would probably walk among mortals looking for evil to destroy, just to make unnecesary displays of power.

                                  Thursday, 17-May-12 05:30:08 UTC from web
                                  1. @nerthos Finish that sprite damnit.

                                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:30:56 UTC from web
                                    1. @carcino Oh, true. I always forget those things xD

                                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:31:36 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos Gah! Do you want the big sheet with a lot of them on it? Might help you.

                                        Thursday, 17-May-12 05:32:27 UTC from web
                                        1. @carcino Ok.

                                          Thursday, 17-May-12 05:33:29 UTC from web
                                          1. @nerthos Wasn't uploading.

                                            Thursday, 17-May-12 05:38:19 UTC from web
                                  2. @nerthos My personality tells me if you have great power, why live alongside those who Are so much weaker than yourself? If I had powers, you'd bet your @ss i'd use them to show it.

                                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:34:07 UTC from web
                                    1. @wafers For fun, really. The same way people surrounds themselves by animals. To walk among them and see them interact. To display power when needed. Like herding cattle. Though at a godlike leel, we would probably have left far behind that need to show our power.

                                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:36:54 UTC from web
                                      1. @nerthos For animals, i enjoy being on par with them. I never try to show power around animals because i feel they deserve to inherit the earth more than humanity itself. Humans are fun to antagonize and opress. Animals are just my interspecies friends. Like my tarantula, and my cat, and parrot, ect. I never bother or kill animals, except for mosquitos obviously

                                        Thursday, 17-May-12 05:40:41 UTC from web
                                        1. @wafers I didn't mean it that way. I meant it as in "a less powerful species, fun to watch" and yeah, animals are nice :D

                                          Thursday, 17-May-12 05:43:06 UTC from web
                                          1. @nerthos I wuvs animals. Wolves are my favorite of any. So loyal, cooperative, beautiful, powerful, i love them oh so much.

                                            Thursday, 17-May-12 05:44:48 UTC from web
                                            1. @wafers I would have to go with cats as favourite animal, but wolves are great too.

                                              Thursday, 17-May-12 05:47:54 UTC from web
                                              1. @nerthos Never was too fond of cats. Mine is actually adopted, (not formally, just rescued from starvation) and she is cool and all l, but it just can't match the companionship and loyalty a canine has.

                                                Thursday, 17-May-12 05:49:46 UTC from web
                                                1. @wafers I like cats by the exact opposite reason: Their independence, arrogance and fun behavior. They think they're better than you and they don't hide it, but they're still so funny you keep them.

                                                  Thursday, 17-May-12 05:51:54 UTC from web
                                                  1. @nerthos Which is why i named my cat Mrs. Bumsworth. I also f***** love penguins. They are the coolest birds ever to grace this earth.

                                                    Thursday, 17-May-12 05:53:27 UTC from web
                                                    1. @wafers Yeah, penguins are cool. My country was ruled by a penguin a couple years back. #

                                                      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:55:51 UTC from web
    2. @thatonepony It WAS ruled by penguins. #

      Thursday, 17-May-12 05:57:30 UTC from web
    3. @thatonepony @mrdragon

      Thursday, 17-May-12 06:12:45 UTC from web