

  1. No matter what comes we Will face the weather / we're apples to the cooooore

    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 09:44:09 UTC from web
    1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline So wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:16:24 UTC from web
      1. @neuraria don't use the words wise, wiser or wisdom. Every attempt to define it just proves that there's no difference between it and intelligence other than how the word's user wants to frame the subject.

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:23:21 UTC from web
        1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline I know you're just giving advice but that was just lyrics from an Avicii song

          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:25:20 UTC from web
          1. @neuraria yeah, songs are sometimes the biggest perpetrators of word abuse

            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:26:36 UTC from web
          2. @neuraria congrats. You're the first person to talk to me in two days

            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:28:10 UTC from web
            1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline Aw :( Yeah, it sucks...

              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:29:41 UTC from web
            2. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline maybe because you're saying things like this

              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:30:09 UTC from web
              1. @rarity well I have to say something meaningful and intelligent like that at least once in a while

                Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:35:54 UTC from web
                1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline except what you said is complete jibberish; wisdom is totally a thing

                  Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:36:38 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I have reason to believe you're trolling

                    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:45:51 UTC from web
                    1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline Believe whatever you want. I know what I know, and your attempts at philosophy won't change that

                      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:47:21 UTC from web
                      1. @rarity if you look up wisdom in several various dictionaries, you'll see for yourself. Even the common language attempts at its definition are just rephrasings of their entries for neglect and intellect and intelligence. This isnt really a new idea, its just the movies and games keep hyping up wisdom to be some kind of deep enlightenment that it isnt

                        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:52:24 UTC from web
                        1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline it's really not that complicated. Wisdom, at least to me, comes from age and experience, it's not something that you really get from studying. and you aren't born with inherent wisdom, unlike intelligence. Obviously they're similar but still different things.

                          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:54:02 UTC from web
                          1. @rarity if wisdom is anecdotal, it's still intellect. Experience is still learning, just a different source of knowledge. Wisdom and intuition are words that thinkers used to use to describe forms of knowledge they didn't fully understand, but now we have a more comprehensive understanding of how we learn. But people still use these outmoded terms

                            Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 11:13:28 UTC from web
                            1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline Sounds like someone is mad that they're not considered "wise"

                              Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 12:03:35 UTC from web
      2. @neuraria it creates a misconception that wisdom is not only different from intelligence (which it isn't) but also that it is often ill-perceived as being more informed or more valuable than intelligence (which it isnt)

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 10:25:35 UTC from web