

  1. Oh god, I'm awake.

    Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 20:02:36 UTC from web
    1. @neuraria by Zeuss, as are some of us here.

      Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 20:07:09 UTC from web
      1. @awl I'm just surprised that I actually managed to wake up at roughly the right time. In about an hour and a half I'm doing a vocational class thing until late in the afternoon (4:30). And then I have work at 8. I'm doing the class for about 13 days. Fuuuun

        Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 20:12:36 UTC from web
        1. @neuraria it can be quite a surprise and at times comfort to what we can adapt.

          Tuesday, 25-Mar-14 20:14:56 UTC from web