

  1. This campaign's catchphrase from my D&D group will be "party alarm!". When we wanted to interrogate a cultist he suddenly screamed "alarm!" and we killed him immediately. Our groups changeling tried to take his clothes while the rest hid in some bed chambers and took the dead body away. The changeling didn't finish putting all the clothes, in fact the changeling was almost naked and changed its appearance into the cultist's, and another cultist came in and wanted to see why someone screamed "alarm!". The changeling made a very good bluff check and screamed "party alarm!" while dancing without clothes. The other cultist was shocked and went backwards out of the room.

    Friday, 28-Mar-14 23:36:30 UTC from Choqok
    1. @broniebrown Party Alarm. I love it.

      Friday, 28-Mar-14 23:42:20 UTC from web
      1. @neuraria Me too. It is so incredibly stupid but it works!

        Friday, 28-Mar-14 23:44:18 UTC from Choqok