

  1. Favorite episodes? (if 2 episodes that go together then that counts)

    Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:24:07 UTC from web
    1. @fireemblem237 Read It and Weep.

      Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:24:25 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation YAY Rainbow Dash episode!

        Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:35:18 UTC from web
        1. @scootaloo123 I actually like it more for Twilight.

          Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:35:48 UTC from web
          1. @mrmattimation Oh okay. That makes more sense since she's your favorite.

            Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:36:51 UTC from web
            1. @scootaloo123 Who DOESN'T love this cutie-patooty?

              Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:38:11 UTC from web
              1. @mrmattimation Anti-bronies.

                Monday, 14-Apr-14 17:57:56 UTC from web
    2. @fireemblem237 i dont have a favorite there all really good to me but i do love the ones with great character developement

      Monday, 14-Apr-14 16:30:27 UTC from web