

  1. Well today was pretty dole overall

    Friday, 25-Apr-14 04:54:47 UTC from web
    • @redenchilada How so

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:15:47 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Dad's big TV broke while we were taking it up to the new house, Comcast is the cherriestiest ISP in existence so we still don't have internet up there, dad almost lost his phone, and on top of it all the hinge on my laptop is getting even worse and I'm worried something important's going to snap off.

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:21:05 UTC in context
    • @redenchilada Well that does sound really murdockty. You can probably get a new screen from a damaged TV I think (I assume the screen broke since it's the only fragile part, correct me if I'm wrong) and replace it though for a fraction of the price of the actual thing, people tend to sell TVs and monitors with damaged electronics and intact screens. As for the hinge on your laptop I might be able to design something to fix it if I can see it and you have the skill to build it.

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:25:52 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Well the problem is less with the hinge and more with the laptop's casing cracking open everywhere and splitting apart (and the hinge is probably a bit too tight). Replacing the screen on the TV doesn't sound like something we could do since nobody in the house is really good with electronics, and paying someone else to do it would probably be more expensive when combined with the new screen than just getting a new TV.

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:28:18 UTC in context
    • @redenchilada The thing with screens is that usually they're modular. My dad and I did it to a monitor a while back and it's mostly pieces that fit in a single position fastened by screws and connected by flex wires and simple connectors. With patience and a table where you can put the screws and have an idea which screw is which, anyone with a really basic understanding of casings and LEGO can do it. I could even guide you through a videocall if you want. Regarding the laptop, you could probably strenghten the casing by pasting that thing I can't remember the name of which consists of sheets of cloth-like fiber thing and resin that people usually use for cosplay since it's easy to work with and give shape.

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:36:45 UTC in context
    • @nerthos Yeah, the laptop would probably be a simple fix if I got some stuff to hold it together with. The big issue is I'd have to turn the laptop off and go without entertainment for more than five minutes to do it :y but I'll probably see about fixing it soon if I don't just get a new one first. (The laptop itself is starting to chug a bit)

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 05:39:03 UTC in context