


    Friday, 02-May-14 02:15:05 UTC from web
    1. @mushi I would advise you to not link anything from 9Gag. That site contains a number of offensive and illegal content.

      Friday, 02-May-14 02:18:26 UTC from web
      1. @digitaldomain123 well, ive been posting a lot stuff from thee, but i only post clean stuff

        Friday, 02-May-14 02:22:31 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Well it's a known fact that 9gag contains images of child pornography and that's why it has illegal content. Same with 4Chan. So it's sites like those that i advise many to stay away from.

          Friday, 02-May-14 02:26:41 UTC from web
          1. @digitaldomain123 You do know they permaban anyone posting CP on 4chan, right

            Friday, 02-May-14 02:27:16 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Yes. I am aware of that. My brother was arresting for containing that trash. It was from 4Chan that he had gotten the downloads for it. So I fear for everyone who ventures onto it. Same with 9Gag. I'm sorry if this discussion isn't child-friendly but I think it's appropriate to warn people of that kind of stuff because you can and will be raided and detained for having that content.

              Friday, 02-May-14 02:31:15 UTC from web
              1. @digitaldomain123 I browse the place plenty and I've never come across it

                Friday, 02-May-14 02:37:32 UTC from web
                1. @redenchilada Well I should also inform that this incident occured back in 2011. So things may have been different then on the site but I still have no doubts that the content is lingering somewhere on there.

                  Friday, 02-May-14 02:42:17 UTC from web
          2. @digitaldomain123 well, yet i dont post anything containing any kind of explicit content

            Friday, 02-May-14 02:31:29 UTC from web
            1. @mushi And I'm glad for you that you don't.

              Friday, 02-May-14 02:37:55 UTC from web
              1. @digitaldomain123 i dont like problems, i wont do anything that might cause them

                Friday, 02-May-14 02:38:42 UTC from web
    2. @mushi i would love to dine with a panda

      Friday, 02-May-14 02:57:20 UTC from web