

  1. I hope I'm not posting too much... But I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Throughout my entire mini-life of being a Brony, i have always stayed as a die-hard "Rarity is best pony!" but..... lately, i feel myself gravitating towards Pinkie Pie... help?

    Thursday, 08-May-14 09:01:25 UTC from web
    1. @mylittlerarity I think that what your favorite pony is is totally up to you. You're allowed to have a change of opinion, after all. I wouldn't worry about it

      Thursday, 08-May-14 09:03:35 UTC from web
    2. @mylittlerarity oh, and don't worry about posting a lot either. We all post a lot here

      Thursday, 08-May-14 09:15:44 UTC from web
      1. @rarity @mylittlerarity yeah I haven't even been on here that long and I have quite a few post so don't worry about it.

        Thursday, 08-May-14 11:13:39 UTC from web
    3. @mylittlerarity rarity is where it's at, she'll always welcome you back

      Thursday, 08-May-14 09:24:21 UTC from web
    4. @mylittlerarity Just let it happen. Rarity is worst pony

      Friday, 09-May-14 00:19:26 UTC from web