

  1. Hello! I'm new here. I'm also very tired right now.

    Tuesday, 20-May-14 09:22:34 UTC from web
    1. @mobi Oh boy! Another set of organs for me to harvest and sell on the black market! I'll be rich! *cackles evilly*- Um... I mean... ... ... @mobi Hello?

      Tuesday, 20-May-14 09:23:10 UTC from Gravity Falls, OR
      1. @welcomepony I was going to type a legitimate response, but then I saw it was a bot.

        Tuesday, 20-May-14 09:24:54 UTC from web
        1. @mobi Well sometimes they respond.

          Tuesday, 20-May-14 13:57:48 UTC from web
      2. @welcomepony now now Welcome bot *Wags finger*

        Tuesday, 20-May-14 13:57:34 UTC from web