

  1. So I'm going to Gamestop later, what should I get? !vgp

    Sunday, 20-May-12 17:05:19 UTC from web
    1. @carcino Tacos.

      Sunday, 20-May-12 17:05:34 UTC from web
      1. @colfax I'll ask they guy about it.

        Sunday, 20-May-12 17:05:51 UTC from web
    2. @carcino What genre you talkin :3

      Sunday, 20-May-12 17:06:03 UTC from web
      1. @dirtychildren I don't care, as long as it's entertaining.

        Sunday, 20-May-12 17:06:29 UTC from web
        1. @carcino Uhhh Ghost recon that just came out

          Sunday, 20-May-12 17:07:56 UTC from web
          1. @dirtychildren Wait, the new one just came out? Okay, that's on the list.

            Sunday, 20-May-12 17:08:33 UTC from web
    3. @comradeconventrix Beat it already.

      Sunday, 20-May-12 17:06:07 UTC from web
    4. @comradeconventrix Call of Duty 2 was like, the first Xbox game.

      Sunday, 20-May-12 17:07:29 UTC from web