

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @snowcone "when they realize worth worthless"

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:26:13 UTC from web
    2. @snowcone )ORLY? I have to disagree!

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:26:18 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone then why are there so many useless cutiemarks?

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:27:24 UTC from web
    4. @snowcone stupid jobs aren't useless

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:29:32 UTC from web
    5. @snowcone I have worth because I'm shirt shirtless

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:30:21 UTC from web
    6. @snowcone I can type it how I want because I'm not worth worthless

      Saturday, 07-Jun-14 21:33:18 UTC from web