

  1. I'm gonna go see How to train your dragon 2 today.

    Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:38:08 UTC from web
    1. @randomkid NOOOOO DON'T GIVE IN! D:

      Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:38:26 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao Why I liked the first one and I'm still a kid. It looks good.

        Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:39:48 UTC from web
        1. @randomkid BUt, sequels bro D:

          Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:40:29 UTC from web
          1. @metaltao sequels can be good.

            Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:42:22 UTC from web
            1. @randomkid True but of a kids ...... nvm MLP is a good example, I just answered myy own question and am now on your side!

              Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:43:40 UTC from web
              1. @metaltao okay so yeah there are goods sequals

                Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:45:20 UTC from web
                1. @randomkid Yes.....

                  Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:45:32 UTC from web
                2. @randomkid Here have a tobi!

                  Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:46:09 UTC from web
              2. @metaltao lol you twisted your own arm on that one

                Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:46:54 UTC from web
                1. @silverline ANd I am glad to be wrong

                  Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:47:10 UTC from web
    2. @randomkid I'm taking my wife/kids tomorrow. NO SPOILERS

      Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:39:57 UTC from web
      1. @silverline you have a wife and kids? I'm probubly not even gonna be on tomorrow so don't worry about it.

        Friday, 13-Jun-14 13:41:55 UTC from web