

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @comradeconventrix Sounds good, though you used "there" wrongly when it should be "their" several times, just so you know :P

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:05:54 UTC from Choqok
    2. @comradeconventrix Their* But I like it so far :P Ps. Put a comma insetad of a period before "Each one carrying-" And you'll be set!

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:06:01 UTC from web
    3. @comradeconventrix I see a few grammar errors, I don't do steampunk though.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:06:49 UTC from web
    4. @comradeconventrix Nice. I can dig it. I wasn't here before. Sorry.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:12:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    5. @comradeconventrix Are you also going to put in there how America beat you

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:17:40 UTC from web
    6. @comradeconventrix Sounds like something I could get into. But I haven't been reading much non-pony fiction as of late :/ I should though.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:18:26 UTC from web
    7. @comradeconventrix You're welcome! Let me know if I can help!

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:21:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    8. @comradeconventrix I hope I can get around to writing my lame stuff.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:26:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    9. @comradeconventrix I don't mean to impose on your story, but I think it goes against human nature for absolutely nobody to try to attain leadership. Sounds interesting though, i must say.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:27:23 UTC from web
      1. @wafers I agree, society needs some kind of leadership but it does not have to happen in the way it happens today. I personally think it would be benefitial to have several independant policy discourses instead of one central deciting power. You could obtain leadership but only in fields you really ace.

        Monday, 21-May-12 21:31:34 UTC from web
        1. @hakupony It is simple, we must turn the world into ponyville

          Monday, 21-May-12 21:32:47 UTC from web
    10. @comradeconventrix Same here. I just never get anything done.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:30:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    11. @comradeconventrix Lol. You should remind me to write later. Haha do I don't play smash bros all day.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:33:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    12. @comradeconventrix Thanks Uncle! #

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:39:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    13. @comradeconventrix I just may give it a read when you are done with it.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:39:56 UTC from web
    14. @comradeconventrix waifu is sad. Btw.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:42:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    15. @comradeconventrix His mom was being mean. Took his stuff.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:48:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    16. @comradeconventrix I know right.

      Monday, 21-May-12 21:51:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid