

  1. Been awhile. Hi.

    Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:28:13 UTC from web
    1. @doates helo!

      Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:28:54 UTC from web
      1. @mushi How is it going?

        Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:35:01 UTC from web
        1. @doates finals week. and you?

          Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:35:51 UTC from web
          1. @mushi At home after a long day at work. Update: I now have two jobs.

            Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:37:01 UTC from web
            1. @doates 2 jobs? that is crazy xD. is it worth it?

              Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:46:44 UTC from web
              1. @mushi Oh yeah. Two minimum wage jobs to add up immensely.

                Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:49:07 UTC from web
                1. @doates well, doyou have time to enjoy you money?

                  Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:49:33 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi Plenty due to the art of availability.

                    Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:52:48 UTC from web
                    1. @doates good, next semmester is to be my last one. then i dont know what i will do

                      Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:53:48 UTC from web
    2. @doates Hey hey

      Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:28:55 UTC from web
      1. @mastertdi what's up?

        Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:35:15 UTC from web
        1. @doates Leaving for America in a couple hours. How about you?

          Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:36:25 UTC from web
          1. @mastertdi Relaxing after long shift at my new job. Noticed I haven't been on this site for some time.

            Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:37:43 UTC from web
            1. @doates Always nice to see old faces. What's your new job?

              Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:38:16 UTC from web
              1. @mastertdi Helpings Hands at Wegmans. I just push carts around and help people unload groceries. I still have my job at the theatre, just that it's a night job.

                Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:42:07 UTC from web
                1. @doates Huh, sounds... interesting.

                  Tuesday, 01-Jul-14 01:44:24 UTC from web