bedtime 4 me with my girls
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:56:38 UTC from web-
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:56:56 UTC from web
@metaltao Straight up here the original pimp of rdn
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:57:12 UTC from web-
@meloetta Pimpin' rides or people?
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:57:47 UTC from web-
@metaltao noth
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:58:08 UTC from web -
@metaltao uggh both
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:58:13 UTC from web-
@meloetta Moth? IT IS SO CUTE!
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:58:59 UTC from web-
@metaltao God, insects gross me out and mangoes me off.
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:59:39 UTC from web-
@thewaifutyphoon This one ISN'T CUTE?! D: Did you not see it!? It was SO SHY IT FLUFFLED IT;S HEAD!
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 07:00:54 UTC from web-
@metaltao still gross still needs to be incinerated
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 07:01:09 UTC from web-
@thewaifutyphoon EVen him ;=;
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 07:02:32 UTC from web-
@metaltao god yes. Get rid of it.
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 07:02:55 UTC from web
Sunday, 06-Jul-14 06:59:58 UTC from web