

  1. well that answers that. I'm just gonna god mode through the rest of this DLC because I haven't enjoyed myself since I started it.

    Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:52:50 UTC from web
    1. @thewaifutyphoon I thought Dead Money was pretty good

      Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:54:49 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal I've literally hated every second of it. 100+ Sneak and I can't sneak within 40 ft of a ghost without it flipping out, basically no ammo that I can find which isn't helpful when I'm only good at Guns, and everything has a cherries ton of health which doesn't help when I'm trying to use a bear trap fist which I suck at using and I just get speared to death in two hits

        Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:56:23 UTC from web
        1. @thewaifutyphoon Oh jeez I had melee weapons for those guys. Also at least the story in Dead Money is good, but the gameplay is a bit weak.

          Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:58:55 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal I /have/ melee weapons but I have 12 Melee skill and 12 Unarmed which means I basically do nothing to them

            Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:59:32 UTC from web
            1. @thewaifutyphoon Yeah I had a pretty high Melee skill going into Dead Money so I was set.

              Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 19:00:00 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal I never raised it because I've /literally/ never been forced to resort to melee. Ever. And I'm level 37, so it's not like I haven't played a lot of it.

                Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 19:00:35 UTC from web
            2. @thewaifutyphoon It's funny though because Dead Money is probably still my least favourite NV DLC.

              Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 19:00:25 UTC from web
    2. @thewaifutyphoon which one? o:

      Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:54:56 UTC from web
      1. @hoit

        Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:55:34 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal Meeeeh

          Tuesday, 08-Jul-14 18:56:39 UTC from web