Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:14:55 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay OY! WHere di you go?!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:15:50 UTC from web-
@metaltao i had to get off the computer im 14 rember
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:16:28 UTC from web
@lunaloverchay Welcome to place, I forgot what's on the menu, hold on.
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:15:52 UTC from web -
@lunaloverchay OH, RIGT! XD sorry! :P
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:17:27 UTC from web-
@metaltao it ok lol
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:17:54 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay OH and you might like this!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:18:31 UTC from web-
@metaltao i want this shirt
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:19:54 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay There are many shirt printing services, I think you could actually order and let them deliver it to you.
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:21:20 UTC from web-
@beatstrings i don't have any money
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:23:13 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay Then again who does. Try saving you'll get there.
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:23:40 UTC from web-
@beatstrings ik
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:24:07 UTC from web
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:25:06 UTC from web
@lunaloverchay *jaw drops* YES!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:23:05 UTC from web-
@metaltao lol on spactcuas
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:23:36 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay XD!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:24:19 UTC from web-
@metaltao look at this
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:26:38 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay where'd you find that?
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:28:19 UTC from web-
@hellstorm searched luna merch
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:28:50 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay so much want!!!!!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:30:22 UTC from web-
@hellstorm eeeeee-up
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:31:04 UTC from web
@lunaloverchay *nose bleed*
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:28:34 UTC from web-
@metaltao exactaly
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:29:01 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay XD *nose bleed intensifies*
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:29:58 UTC from web-
@metaltao gtg dad taking me to get shakes
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:32:19 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay HUZZAH! I CAN'T WAIT!
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:32:58 UTC from web-
@metaltao i always get chocolate
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:34:43 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay Chocolate is an amazing flavour! (flavor who cares computer! It is an alternate spelling by culture or something!)
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:36:58 UTC from web
@lunaloverchay whats up?
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:18:44 UTC from web-
@hellstorm nothing you
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:20:08 UTC from web-
@lunaloverchay getting back into the chats here. it has been about two+ months since i have
Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:21:36 UTC from web