

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @c alcohol != love

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 06:33:03 UTC from web
    2. @c just make sure you only order milk

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 06:33:38 UTC from web
    3. @c There's no true escape but to fight through it.

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 06:36:28 UTC from web
    4. @c Everything is so much more painful, fun, sad, angry, ecstatic, suffocating, and free when I'm not on autopilot.

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 06:41:11 UTC from web
    5. @c I like to try and push myself to live life to the fullest. I'm not usually successful, but I sure do have some nice experiences along the way. The mundane becomes fascinating, the common place becomes extraordinary.

      Friday, 11-Jul-14 06:53:44 UTC from web