

  1. I know it's been fifty years or so since I drew anything, but would anyone here be interested in commissioning me? Previous drawings here, for those who haven't seen them before. I'm thinking prices would be something along these lines, with willingness to haggle down:

    $10 for lines
    $15 for flat colors
    $20 for full shading
    +50% base price per additional character
    $5 and I'll find my pencils and do a pencil sketch
    Payment due upon completion of sketch (or upon completion for the pencil sketches) (I'll send you my Paypal address along with the sketch)

    Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:08:50 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada I'll pay you in van-grade candy.

      Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:10:01 UTC from web
    2. @c Hey, I'm still looking for work. :c It'd just be nice to have a bit of cash in the meantime so I can renew my domain before it expires.

      Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:13:01 UTC from web
    3. @c No. I'd ask my parents if I wanted that.

      Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:14:48 UTC from web
    4. @redenchilada oh wow! i actually have that drawing of berry punch in the hat saved. cool to bump elbows with the person behind it. cute drawing.

      Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:20:58 UTC from web
      1. @cb Thanks! c:

        Saturday, 19-Jul-14 12:21:18 UTC from web