

  1. i hate LoL with randomers so much. theyre always cocky murdockes that just talk about how good they are. then they do bad. theyre always way underskilled and cant make plays. we won. but im so frustrated

    Friday, 25-Jul-14 05:53:01 UTC from web
    1. @voxxxrebel So, it is not the fact they are bad, just that they brag... ?

      Friday, 25-Jul-14 05:53:35 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao its the fact that they are bad, they are cocky as hell, and even if they still do bad (like our Lee Sin did last game) they still want to try to be cocky even tho they dont know how to play well

        Friday, 25-Jul-14 05:54:43 UTC from web
    2. @voxxxrebel oh, I have played lol. In dota2-phoenix, in lol-criophoenix.

      Friday, 25-Jul-14 05:57:25 UTC from web
      1. @lalabai I have met these people before... not fun..

        Friday, 25-Jul-14 05:57:50 UTC from web