


    Wednesday, 23-May-12 21:34:07 UTC from web
    1. @beermug Hibernating. The hiatus is traumatic.

      Thursday, 24-May-12 03:03:15 UTC from web
      1. @duplexfields. :( awwww

        Sunday, 27-May-12 19:21:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @beermug We plan to have a season premiere viewing party, since the finale party was such a success. In the meantime, I would like to get an !AbqBronies tabletop RPG going. I'm no GM, but I bet there's at least one such brave individual in our group. I've started on my hiatus fanfic, and as it gains traction, I hope to maintain my writing chops.

          Monday, 28-May-12 07:35:33 UTC from web
          1. @duplexfields awww the sad part is Ill only be out here for about a month more... I can't really begin a tabletop cause I might not be out here long enough to finish it D: are all the abqbronies relatively open to suggestions for random meetups?

            Monday, 28-May-12 19:48:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @beermug Pretty much. Hey !Abqbronies , let's plan for our next meetup. I'd like to go to Cliffs on a Saturday in June. (Morgan is no longer interested in the group since (in her words) "it's mostly a guy thing".)

              Wednesday, 30-May-12 19:26:28 UTC from web
              1. @duplexfields Hogwash, it's just as much a girl thing as it is a guy thing! And hi I'm new btw nice to meet you all.

                Friday, 01-Jun-12 08:26:18 UTC from web
                1. @theangelofrazgriz protip: for the rest of them to see your post, you gotta add an exclamationpoint, then with no space, abqbronies. Otherwise only I see it.

                  Friday, 01-Jun-12 15:45:10 UTC from web
              2. @duplexfields well looks like I gotta go back to cali sooner to take care of some business. What part of abq do most if you !abqbronies live?

                Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 20:26:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid