My Tumblr Dash is probably the only place I can go from a story about a gay guy almost getting date raped and being rescued by some surprisingly violent drag queens to pictures of babby cheetahs in one twist of my scroll wheel.
@ceruleanspark I think that I must be one of the few Bronies that doesn't use Tumblr. :P
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:37:42 UTC from web-
@leonkfox I use tumblr for basically the same thing you use Twitlonger for.
@ceruleanspark Well, that and looking at pictures of babby animals doing adorable things.
@ceruleanspark Well I use Twishort more predominatnley, but now I'm just being pedantic. :P
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:51:31 UTC from web
@leonkfox I don't really... for some reason it rarely works on my browser.
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:47:23 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Really? What browser are you using? I use Chrome on a PC. and it works fine for me.
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:52:10 UTC from web-
@leonkfox I'm using the same... really not sure what the problem is, to be honest.
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:52:34 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Have you tried using Firefox or (Celestia forbid) Internet Explorer?
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:57:23 UTC from web-
@leonkfox I haven't... partly because tumblr [i]does [/i]work about a third of the time. If I really need to get on tumblr soon, I'll see what happens with (gulp)... IE.
Thursday, 24-May-12 07:59:21 UTC from web-
@pawnheart USE AXIS LOL
@ceruleanspark I'm a premature fogey, so this fills me with bitter joy:
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:02:01 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark Hmm... didn't mean to send that to anypony in particular but anyhoo... w-what's axis?
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:02:41 UTC from web
@pawnheart At any rate, here's a link to the thread directly.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:02:48 UTC from web-
@leonkfox Thanks!
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:05:30 UTC from web