Oh by the way, before I go, I've ive finally decided on a name for my OC, as opposed to just my username. Please meet... Greensleeves! That's not a crap name right? Please tell me if it is
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:30:10 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 what's your cutie mark again?
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:32:40 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Blank flank
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:33:05 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Is your OC permanently blank flanked?
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:35:05 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Nope, he just doesn't have one yet, when I decide I'll give him one
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:35:59 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Ah... maybe you should name him then, so you don't get shoehorned into having to fit it around your name?
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:39:04 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Well yeah, he's named, I just can't think of a cutie mark
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:41:16 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 I think it should be Orson Welles under the Eiffel Tower. Why? ...well...
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:44:00 UTC from web
@pawnheart @purplephish20 Mine is, purley because I can't actually think up a cutie mark for him. ^^;
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:38:57 UTC from web
@purplephish20 Greensleeves sounds like a perfectly good name to me.
@bitshift Great!
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:35:12 UTC from web