i got my last day of school in only 6 hours i know i should get some sleep but this night is just so interesting :3
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:53:46 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Pfft, who needs sleep before their last day of school? :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:55:48 UTC from web-
@yodelerty haha thats a good point ima try and pull an all nighter here with everypony :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:57:37 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Awesome! But don't be surprised if suddenly there's not a whole lot of activity. It happens at this time of night/day/whatevs sometimes. >.>
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:59:23 UTC from web-
@yodelerty well where im from is 2am ethier way its going to be the summer and i dont have a job so ill be around all sorts of hours
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:03:00 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall You should get a job so you can has money for all them pony toys you must buy. :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:08:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@yodelerty i wish i had a job but its hard to get a job especially since summer is starting my resume isn't as impressive as most and of course i need more ponies to give my twilight sparkle plush and mcdonalds ponies company :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:10:50 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall There are minimum-wage jobs that don't require any resume. Mostly places like McDonald's are what you're going to get out of that, though. :/
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:12:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@yodelerty yah i know i been hoping on getting some kind of warehouse job but that narrows my chances of finding a job in the general picture
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:15:14 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Well, you've got to start somewhere, right? :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:16:52 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@yodelerty of course :D how about you do u have any job experience and/or advice you could give to a young pony trying to get their first job?
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:18:02 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Get a friend who already has a job and have them recommend you as a potential employee at wherever they work. If you can't do that, fill out as many applications as you can and hope one of them lands you a job. I did the latter and now I'm making $10/hour. SO RICH. >_>
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:21:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@yodelerty think i have a few friends that could do that for me and ive been working on the second choice ten dollars an hour is impressive
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:23:45 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall is that a hair cutting place? Because here there's a place called first choice and that's what they do.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:25:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@rainbownightfall never mind. Though you said you work at a place called second choice FOR $10/hour
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:26:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@rainbownightfall Given that the minimum wage here is $9.40/hour (I think) and I've been working here for 2 1/2 years, it's not that impressive. I'm also not likely to get a raise any time soon because the store caught fire a few days ago and they still have to pay us during the repair process.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:26:39 UTC from web-
@yodelerty too bad you aren't in Alberta. Doesn't even Timmies pay like $15/h there?
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:28:44 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen I am in Alberta. Damn Canadian Tire and their cheapness. ;_;
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:29:57 UTC from web-
@yodelerty lol. That sucks :( hey, could you steal me an alternator for my car? Lol. Kidding.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:31:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen I don't know what that is so I'll just steal you a car.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:31:55 UTC from web-
@yodelerty lol YUSH!! How is it in Alberta?
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:32:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen It's very rainy. I keep wanting to go for a bike ride but then suddenly RAIN AND WIND EVERYWHERE.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:33:47 UTC from web-
@yodelerty thats a bummer :( its barely rained here actually. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice for you guys to have some sunshine. Clouds, go to the prairies!
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:35:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen I don't really mind. My favourite type of weather systems are thunderstorms and we finally had one yesterday. :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:39:52 UTC from web-
@yodelerty that's awesome! Thunderstorms are cool, as long as you aren't working outside in one. Especially in the rain :(
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:41:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@renovatedkitchen Well, I've been mostly inside for the past little while, so... :P
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:43:13 UTC from web-
@yodelerty lucky lucky! So far it's only rained once at the airport and no lightening. ^_^ pretty lucky so far.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:47:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
@yodelerty the minimum wage here is $8 but i had an under the table job it was horrible 3.25 an hour it was cleaning resturants at graveyard shift from 11pm to 7am i was only making around 30ish a night for those hours im sorry to hear that your job caught fire
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:32:52 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Dude, that sounds like a terrible job. D: And I don't really care that my job caught fire. After all, the fire was pretty small but it produced toxic smoke due to things like paint being on fire, and most of the damage was caused by the sprinkler system. Plus we're getting paid in the downtime. :D
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:37:32 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Mmm. Burns.
@ceruleanspark No one got burnt.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:40:36 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Good. I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone. I just find burns fascinating too. Bubbling and blistered skin. Exposed nerve endings. I find the whole thing fascinating in a weird way
@ceruleanspark The worst that happened was a manager inhaled too much toxic smoke and went to the hospital for, like, a day. And you are quite fascinated with injuries.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:44:38 UTC from web
@yodelerty I never heard of a fire caused by the sprinkler system.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:39:44 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall No, I mean the products in the store got water damage from the sprinklers when the smoke set them off.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:41:32 UTC from web-
@yodelerty oh i see that makes more sense water damage can be the worse sometimes..
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:42:34 UTC from web-
@rainbownightfall Yeah, but it's better than the whole store burning to the ground and me trying to find another job because this job is horribly easy and I'd hate to lose it.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:45:32 UTC from web
@rainbownightfall I can look over your applications, you really can make a difference if you gt that one right. It's sort of an initial test of pecise work. Then there is the thing with making a good impression during interviews. If you ever get in that situation, I can give you some basic tipps too.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:23:54 UTC from web-
@hakupony i think i can do a interview i had some practice and i have a very basic resume with no experience i think writing the application is gonna be what makes it or breaks it
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:28:24 UTC from web
@yodelerty Honestly, for this time of day here in the UK this is actually quite active! At least in my experience anyway.
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:04:56 UTC from web-
@leonkfox Ah, well. It's not so busy for me, which is fine because video games need attending to. >.>
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:09:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@yodelerty Haha, I know that feeling :P
Thursday, 24-May-12 09:33:49 UTC from web