My real first name is in my profile...
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:34:48 UTC from web-
@flaredancer Same here. I like my name.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:35:31 UTC from web-
@yodelerty The only thing that bothers me about mine is the amount of people who can't spell it right and/or keep asking if it's short for something.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:39:05 UTC from web-
@flaredancer I can see that being the case. My last name is kind of... well, let's just say I've had a grand total of two people in my entire life pronounce it correctly on their first try.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:41:16 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I have an idea, but I don't know how to spell it phonetically. Or if I'm right.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:42:47 UTC from web-
@flaredancer Give it a try. Hint: you can pronounce it as a combination of three English words.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:44:10 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Dye-Chow-Ski is my guess. And I do love your first name. I don't think I've seen that name before.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:46:48 UTC from web-
@flaredancer Heh, everyone guesses it like that at first. It's actually pronounced Ditch-Cow-Ski. And thank you. ^.^ I also share my first name with a lousy comedian.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:49:14 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I share my last name with a mass murderer so yeah
@ceruleanspark I don't know whether to guess Stalin or Hitler even though it's likely not either of those.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:51:59 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Think more middle eastern
@ceruleanspark I'm gonna go with Hussein.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:54:07 UTC from web-
@yodelerty yeah. Yeah.
@ceruleanspark Adam Hussein? That's way too close, man.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:56:06 UTC from web-
@yodelerty It has been bought to my attention in the past. Also someone stabbed me in the arm once.
@ceruleanspark Wait, what? O_o
@ceruleanspark Whaaaaaaaaat.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:58:03 UTC from web-
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:59:10 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark Sure sounds like it. >.>
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:01:15 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark O.o What a jerk
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:59:39 UTC from web-
@flaredancer If there had only been the one jerk things might have been significantly more manageable.
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:00:12 UTC from web-
@ceruleanspark :/ What jerks…
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:02:19 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark o_O Bloody hell...
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:01:29 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark Depending on which pronunciation (of his name) is used, you're barely even a syllable away from the full name.
@bitshift I am...aware.
@yodelerty Oh, yeah… that guy… I tend to forget he exists. What background does your last name come from?
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:50:50 UTC from web-
@flaredancer I believe it's Polish but I'd have to ask my dad. I don't really know much about my family, sadly, as I've never read that much into it.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:53:28 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I don't know too much about mine, either. I do know more about my Mom's side, though.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:54:42 UTC from web-
@flaredancer I basically know nothing because it doesn't interest me that much. One day it might.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:57:33 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I know that I have a little bit of Tarahumara in me. And, supposedly, my last name was given to the ruling class of a German state.
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:01:24 UTC from web-
@flaredancer That actually sounds pretty cool. Mine's probably the name of The Duke of Unpronounceability in ye olde wherever.
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:04:42 UTC from web-
@yodelerty I don't know if it's true, but it would be kind of nifty if it was.
Thursday, 24-May-12 11:05:38 UTC from web
@yodelerty Dick-cough-ski?
@bitshift Admit it: you only said that because dick.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:49:32 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Surprisingly (given it's me), no. It's genuinely how I thought the first part was pronounced.
@bitshift Well, now I'm thinking dick.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:55:07 UTC from web
@flaredancer What would it be short _for_ exactly? A misspelling?
@ceruleanspark People think it's short for "Jennifer". And I actually had a class a few years ago with a girl named Jennifer who went by Jenna, so...
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:44:01 UTC from web-
@flaredancer I would hypothesise that these people have a poor grasp of spelling. Also they are unable to satisfy their loved ones sexually due to the relative inadequacy of their genitals. Though that is how I deal with most people that I dislike.
@ceruleanspark I tend to express these hypotheses quite vocally and publically.
@ceruleanspark *snerk* I've also known people to spell my name crazy different. A friend of mine, his mother's name is Jenna, but it's spelled Gina. I've also had to fight with schools to get them to put two Ns in my name instead of one
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:48:42 UTC from web-
@flaredancer Why would a school not treat the way you spell your own name as definitive.
@ceruleanspark I don't know. Maybe because they get parents who decide to name their kids "La-a" and insist the name is "La-dash-a"
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:52:01 UTC from web
@flaredancer And your surname is implied by who your brother is.
@ceruleanspark For those who know his last name, yes.
Thursday, 24-May-12 10:38:27 UTC from web