

  1. OK! So, here he is! :L Better and less edgy than the last! :D

    Sunday, 23-Nov-14 09:08:58 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao What's his name? :P

      Sunday, 23-Nov-14 09:09:47 UTC from web
      1. @m14brony PH RIGHT! It is Hedoth!

        Sunday, 23-Nov-14 09:09:57 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao Is he a student of Luna? :P

          Sunday, 23-Nov-14 09:16:38 UTC from web
          1. @m14brony ....... I would not be able to say... If he was, then, I feel like there would be some more diversity among my OCs. But... Thereis on the other hand... ACK! QUESTIONS!

            Sunday, 23-Nov-14 09:20:49 UTC from web